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    海傳連接太平洋與中央山脈,市區的一條龍,左是南濱公園,右為北濱生態公園,在市區唯一占地200多坪花園景觀民宿,日出、日落、月光星點與夜晚輪船,美不盛收,楊英風美術館設計外觀太魯閣一線天配上太魯閣的蛇紋石階梯與花蓮原生種樹木,春天燕子成群、夏日雲朵變化,午後小雨讓日光彩畫出一道彩虹,秋冬候鳥聚集海上,每次的季節及天候不同所呈現出的自然之美也有所不同。 View-Ocean hotel is located at coast of the Pacific Ocean, facing the biggest Central Mountain of Taiwan, as well as located between the south and north seashore parks. It occupies a land area of more than 200 level ground garden landscape in Hualien city. Overlooking through huge windows, ocean, mountains, sunrise, sunset, moonlight, and stars…they are all in your sight. Spring time, groups of swallow fly in the sky. Summer time, clouds change to different shapes beautifully. Sometimes, a light rain draws colorful rainbow in the sky. Each season presents its beautiful nature. Each of our room has its own style, embody unique furnishings and antiques decorations. Message FB 訂房諮詢
